Home Communication in collaborative environments (verbal)

Communication in collaborative environments (verbal)


  • Normalize struggle inherent in developing effective communication skills
  • Promote a growth-mindset: this is a skill that is learned, not inborn.
  • Debunk misconceptions about what constitute “good” communication practices.
  • Teach students how to break-down the verbal communication into a step-by-step process – see guide on how to communicate about weekly progress with your collaborators.

Pre-class work

  1. In this class we will discuss and practice how to update your advisor / collaborators on recent progress. Please come to class with a topic in mind – a project (e.g. current or past research project, a hobby, etc.) that you have worked on but haven’t yet completed. The topic should be reasonably technical (your fellow classmates should only have a partial prior understanding of the topic). Describe it.
  2. What do you find difficult about updating your advisor(s) / collaborator(s) about recent research progress you made?
  3. What is the general format/strategy you use when updating your advisor(s)/collaborator(s) about recent research progress you made?

In class [slides]

This unit generally follows the structure of our guide on how to communicate about weekly progress with your collaborators.

  1. [10min] Students socialize
  2. [10min] Recap on panels: what did everyone take away from the class on panels?
  3. [10min] Debunk myths about how your collaborators understand your update (see guide). TA gives an example of an unclear update and asks class what went wrong.
  4. [10min] Our strategy for giving a good update + class TA gives an example of a good update (see slides)
  5. [20min] Pair-exercise #1:
    • Pair up with someone in a different field who is not familiar your project
    • Describe the project (using the template)
    • Switch (5min for presenting, 3min for feedback)
  6. [10min] Regroup: for example,
    • What was difficult about the exercise?
    • Which steps in the guide helped you best understand your peer’s project?
  7. [15min] Pair-exercise #2: pick a different pair, repeat but with (2min, ~3min for feedback)
  8. [5min] Regroup
  9. [5min] In-class survey:
    • What are ways (if any) your strategies for giving research updates has changed?
    • Is there anything else you took away from class?
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